Sunday, October 25, 2009


I'm getting so bad at this. I had a good excuse, but you know what they say about excuses. So let's get right to it. Two weeks ago, we had a crazy week with the PSAT. We had our normal Wednesday morning on Tuesday, and then Tuesday afternoon, we had a rotation of PSAT Prep, connections, and Student Led Conference prep. Wednesday morning was the PSAT and that afternoon was a normal Wednesday. Thursday was a regular Thursday, and Friday we returned to service.

So for the one day we had that week, Mr. Pitts led the class through a reflection of their Interviews. They also discussed the top 10 mistakes that applicants make in college essays. They looked at samples and began work on theirs.

Come Thursday, I was out with sick babies. My daughter ended up with an ear infection, and they thought that my son had strep. I stayed out with Zayden the rest of that week and the first part of this past week. I didn't get back to school until Wednesday.

The first part of the week was spent peer editing essays. The second part of the week students participated in a fish bowl discussion of Friends.

Friday we had Accuplacer testing in the morning and The Crucible in the afternoon.

This week we will continue to explore Friends.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Two for One?

So I totally missed last week's blog! Let's see here's the week in 30 seconds or less: the week started with the class being assigned about four pages to prepare a lesson from. The second part the lessons were taught, which went well. Friday was an early release and we did some PSAT prep.

That's awfully compact, but pretty accurate. We did some updating too, but that was the gist of it. This past week Mr. Pitts has taken more of a lead in the planning. I began by presenting a little information about the presentation we went to see on Wednesday and about our trip to The Carl Sandburg Home. Then Mr. Pitts led the classes through reading another section from our book. At the end of the reading, each table shared what they found interesting. Then Mr. Pitts had the class write about four areas: Passion, Talent, Need, and Conscience. We were looking for a place where those four areas overlapped. It helped some students begin to think seriously about what they want to major in when they transfer to a four year University.

The second part of the week Ms. Brody came in and we explored CFNC. After about 15 minutes of getting everyone into their accounts, we took some quizzes to find out which majors and or careers might fit our personalities. There was also a pretty cool tool that let you compare careers. Students worked on a worksheet that they e-mailed back to themselves for future reference and use.

Friday was a long day but still a lot of fun. We left later than I had hoped because several people were late or just didn't show up at all. But before too long we got out on the road. We drove to Flat Rock, NC were we visited The Carl Sandburg Home. The park, which was Sandburg's home from the 40s until his death in '67, was gorgeous, the park staff was awesome, the kids were well behaved, and the program we went through was very informative. All in all, it was a fantastic day! The only thing that would have made it better would have been not running into spontaneous construction traffic and an accident which put us over an hour behind.

This week, it's more work to get ready for mock college interviews, interviews, and a return to service!