Sunday, September 13, 2009

How can a short week be so long?

Last week was technically a short week, but boy it didn't feel like it! We blitzed on Tuesday, which means before lunch we had seen all classes. They were quick thirty minute classes, but it worked out better to keep things together. We mostly just worked on our 6 Goals for the 6 Decisions and updated our planners.

The second class of the week, we started by organizing our binders. We're only half way through the first 9 week grading period and already notebooks look like an Office Max exploded. We sorted through and put everything in its place. The next part of class consisted of tallying a weeks worth of out of school behavior. Everyone, myself included, logged a weeks worth of activities when we're not in school. We then took time to categorize those activities and total the hours spent doing various things. I collected these for a future lesson.

Then we read "School vs. Education" by Russel Baker. It's a satirical piece that questions what it takes to become "educated". We then had a good discussion about how one becomes educated and the control we have over our education. We talked a bit about attitude and desire being the key difference between going to school and getting an education!

Friday was September 11th, the anniversary of a travesty. It was also the National Day of Service and Remembrance. I was glad that our first service Friday was on the National Day of Service. At the end of the day, most everyone seemed to have had a good time. There were definitely quite a few students on my bus who were very excited about their day. And we made it back to school in time for the buses, so it was an awesome day!

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