Sunday, November 1, 2009


I think I might actually be cursed. And I'm pretty sure they're going to revoke my seminar license. We had another eventful Friday to say the least. But before we get into that, let's take a look back at the week. Moving along with the second decision, Friends, we wrote another journal before exploring friendship survival tips. The journal was, "Write about something nice you can plan to do for a friend or group of friends in the near future. How will this improve your relationship?" The class was split into groups that each had a single tip to explain or illustrate to the class. It was kind of interesting seeing what they took a way from each tip.

The second part of the class we wrote another journal:
“It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.” Explain. Is this true? Give examples. This part of the book focused on peer pressure. There was some good conversation about how to stand up to peer pressure. Mr. Pitts also flew us all to UNC from the moo I think via Google Earth. It was really cool being able to zoom in on areas of the campus and see some pictures. It made things on Friday's trip stand out that much more.

Friday we rolled out as close to 7:30 as I could make it. Thankfully we had Mrs. Bolick as a guest driver! She really did save the day; although, most of the kids had no idea. The trip was much longer than I had planned on, so we missed our tour time. But Ms. Brody got the kids into an informational lecture, which was very informative. Then we ate lunch in the pit! It was really a chill day. The unfortunate part was that we had limited time. So after enjoying the culture of the pit, we headed to Franklin Street where we got to do some shopping and take in more of the culture.

The kids seemed to really enjoy the relaxed nature of the day. However, my curse struck again! We had gotten to Statesville on the way home when I40 turned into a parking lot. Luckily I knew a few ways around. We had to go a bit out of our way, but still made it back to school before the dance...almost an hour late but before the dance!

Next time I'm adding an hour for traffic's sake!

1 comment:

Joyce Moyer Hostetter said...

Sounds as if you are working hard and being a great teacher!

Are you nanowrimoing this year? I'm trying to polish up my novel I started last year this time.